Terms of trade

Delivery time
The delivery time for finished products in stock is 3-10 working days. Delivery time for order products is 1-4 weeks. Always contact us for order products. In this way, we can ensure that, for example, a product ordered as a gift is completed and delivered on time. Delivery times are affected by product inventory balances and the queue of ordered products. Order products are always manufactured in the order order.
Change and return
All products have a 14-day exchange and return policy. The returned product must be unused and correspond to the condition of the new product. The product must be returned in its original packaging. After 14 days, the products can no longer be exchanged or returned. When returning, we always need a receipt for the purchase.
The customer is always responsible for the delivery costs arising from the return. Other delivery costs are also non-refundable.
Custom-made products and customized products have no right of exchange or return!
When exchanging or returning, always contact info@rajuleatherworks.com first

Return address
Sepänjoentie 21
16330 Heinämaa
If the product you ordered breaks down quickly in normal use, we will repair it for you at no cost. Skin patination and normal wear and tear are not subject to warranty repair. The warranty also does not cover metal parts or mechanisms of the products .
Each product is handmade and features a handcrafted imprint.
If you have any questions about warranty issues, please contact us by email!